Monday, August 23, 2010

Goal for the Day: Lighten Your Load

Every day, new responsibilities creep into our lives on silent, muddy feet and leave trails across our existence. With every hour, something new arises that requires our attention. We each carry these burdens (both large and small) with us all day and we tuck them into bed next to us very night. Some of those responsibilities are important—things that require our immediate attention so that we can go on living. Others are mild irritations. Others still, are things we can do nothing about.

This week, we all should consider lightening our loads. We cannot change some of the issues that bombard us every day. All they do is divert us and steal our focus. No one can function in a blurry world. Let go of the things that cannot be changed. Learn to accept them. And, beware those people around you who would have you take their burdens as your own. While we should always be sympathetic to the people in our lives, we cannot fight the battles of others for them. Encourage them to fight for themselves, give them the friendly support they need while recognizing that you have your own litany of challenges to attend to.

If you can free yourself from one unmalleable worry each day, when you tuck yourself in at night, you’ll find you have more room for a comfortable night’s sleep.

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