Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 365

Now, then, Mrs. Cage,” Robert smiled. “Are you more comfortable?”

“No.” Corliss Cage mumbled. “Please, you must listen to me.”

“You must save your energy, Mrs. Cage.” Robert shook his head. “Hopefully, Marjani was able to cool you off a bit.”

Marjani nodded. “She was very brave.”

“I’m not brave.” Corliss moaned. “Listen to me, please.”

Marjani and Robert exchanged glances.

“Very well, Mrs. Cage.” Robert nodded.

“The boy.” Corliss rasped. “The boy. He’s in this house.”

“We know,” Robert said gently.

“You must take him.” Corliss continued.

“We had intended to.” Robert smiled.

“Edward will ruin him. He’ll ruin him just as he did our boy, Orman. It’s not that I couldn’t give Edward more children, it’s that I wouldn’t. I won’t. I can’t bear to think what he’d do to another child.” She dissolved into a fit of coughing, sending yellow droplets flying all over her bed clothes.

“It’s good to know that we have your blessing, Mrs. Cage. The boy will be well cared for by the Duke of Fallbridge. You can count on that. Now, you must rest. Marjani will soothe your brow again.”

“No.” Corliss coughed. “Leave me.”

“We can’t, Mrs. Cage.” Marjani shook her head.

“You must.” Corliss groaned. “This will kill me or it won’t. Sadly, I think that I will survive it. I wish it were not so, but God is punishing me for something—perhaps some sin of my father’s. I am destined to live here with Edward for many years to come. But, that boy.” She paused to cough fitfully. “That boy, he must be given a chance. Fetch him now and leave this house. Leave New Orleans tonight if you can.”

“The Duke is…” Marjani began. She stopped and looked at Robert.

“We’ll leave as soon as we can.” Robert nodded. “Are you sure that you wish for us to leave you?”

“Yes. Hurry. Go before Odo returns. He is Edward’s eyes. Hurry!” Her body shook with furious coughing.

Robert nodded and without another word, he took Marjani by the elbow and led her from the room.

Once they were in the passage, he whispered to Marjani. “Which door is the nursery?”

“There,” Marjani pointed, sniffing the air. “I smell powder.”

Robert and Marjani entered the door that she indicated. Inside, they saw the Cage’s son, Orman, asleep with a wicked grin across his little face. In his small arms, he cradled a soft toy of a cat whose head had been ripped off.

“Wicked child,” Marjani whispered.

“There’s the bassinette.” Robert pointed.

They slowly crept over and peered inside the basket.

“He’s gone.” Robert sputtered.

“That Odo!” Marjani hissed. “Damn him! He’s done taken the boy!”

Did you miss Chapters 1-364? If so, you can read them here.

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