Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 450

Odo crept into the kitchen of Edward Cage’s Royal Street House. Seeing that the kitchen was empty, he sighed with relief and made his way toward the stairs so that he could retreat quietly to his attic room.

“Stop there, Odo.” Zettie growled from the dining room door.

Odo turned and grinned—his yellow teeth slick with his sense of self-satisfaction. “Mornin’ Zettie.”

“Don’t smile at me, Little Odo.” Zettie spat. “Where the hell have you been all this time?”



“I don’t answer to no parlor maid, Zettie.” Odo frowned.

“Maybe usually, Odo, but not today. I been runnin’ ‘round this house for the last day. I got two folk needin’ nursin’! Mr. Cage done been shot and Mrs. Cage is still all ate up with fever. Not to mention Miss Ulrika and her guest want feedin’ and Orman needs tendin’. And, where’s our houseboy?”

“I ain’t a houseboy!” Odo shot back. “I’m a butler.”

“Fine. Then, act like one!”

“I gotta get some rest.”

“Oh no you don’t.” Zettie shouted. “You gotta help me. But, first, you’re gonna go upstairs and look Mr. Cage square in the eye and tell him where you been!”

“Not yet.”

“He’s been askin’ for ya every few minutes, boy.” Zettie narrowed her eyes.


“Why you think?” Zettie grumbled.

“He’s still angry, ain’t he? ‘Bout the baby. I done tried my best for the keep that chil’ here. I done took him from the house an’ all to keep that boy away from the Duke…”

“He don’t blame you for none of that.” Zettie growled. “You and your high and mighty ideas ‘bout how important ya are. Mr. Cage knows you’re just a house worker. He ain’t got no grand ideas ‘bout how big you are, Odo.”

“Then, what’s he want?”

“Dressin’ and cleanin’ for one!” Zettie shouted. “Ain’t fit for me to be washing the master’s naked body! That’s man’s work! ‘Sides, I got Mrs. Cage for to worry ‘bout.”

“So he ain’t angry at all? He don’t blame me for losin’ the baby?”

“’Course not! Odo—you ain’t on the front of everyone’s mind all the time, you know. You’re just a tool here, boy. You ain’t more special than a fire poker.”

“Did he say that?”

“Odo, he ain’t sayin’ nothin’. Just, ‘Where’s Odo?’ He’s half mad with pain anyway!”

“Still, you’d think…”

“No!” Zettie stamped her foot on the ground. “No more talkin’! Go on up and tend to the master. I gotta take a tray up to Miss Ulrika. She done rung for me three times!”

“Miss Ulrika’s here?”

“Got in ‘bout an hour ago. Got that Italian man with her. She looks all worn out. God knows what she been up to. What’s it to you. Miss Ulrika ain’t you’re responsibility!”

“It’s just I gotta talk to her.”

“Oh, no you ain’t!” Zettie ordered.

“I got a message for her.” Odo said.

“Well, give it to me, then.” Zettie snapped.

“I can’t. Ain’t written down.” Odo argued.

“Then, tell me what it is and I’ll tell her.” Zettie replied, her patience at its end.

“I can’t. Gotta tell her myself.”

Before Zettie could say another word, an annoyed voice bellowed down the rear stairs.

“Really!” Ulrika screamed. “What does it take to get some food! We’re starved!”

Thumping down the stairs, Ulrika almost bumped into Odo.

“What is going on down here?” She demanded.

“I’m comin’, Miss. Terrible sorry, we got a lot of trouble here today. I’m on my way.”

“See that you are!” Ulrika snapped. She turned to Odo. “And, just what are you looking at you little black toad?”

“I got a message for you, Miss.” Odo whispered.

“No, you ain’t!” Zettie hissed. “You leave Miss Ulrika be and let her go back to her guest. I’ll be up just now, Miss.” She added the last line directly to Ulrika.

“It’s from Barbara Allen.” Odo interrupted.

“Go on,” Ulrika narrowed her eyes.

“It’s ‘bout the diamond.” Odo smiled.

Did you mis Chapters 1-449? If so, you can read them here.

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